Teacher Grant Awards

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Resources For Educators

The Weld RE-4 Education Foundation values the contributions that our district educators have in our classrooms on a daily basis. Part of our mission is to encourage innovation and creativity in the classroom, and we strive to put more tools into the hands of our teachers to support that goal. We also aim to recognize those individuals who have had a positive impact on student achievement, by sponsoring such things as the “Teacher Who Inspired Me” essay contest and the Honor a Teacher Campaign held in conjunction with Teacher Appreciation Week each May.

If you are a Weld RE-4 Educator and would like to apply for a grant or find out more about the process, please click on the links below. The Foundation Board has recently adopted a schedule for considering grant requests, in order to allow for a more efficient consideration of needs and requests.

*please see your principal for a fillable word document or email Kelly Moll kelly.moll@weldre4.org

Grant Due Dates:

Friday, March 21, 2025 by 5p.m.

Grant Application

Fueling Growth and Achievement